Thursday, October 22, 2015

Because of Winn Dixie Party

Here I am, a guest at the fourth grade "Winn Dixie" party at the New Hampton Community School! The class recently read Because of Winn Dixie, a wonderful book by Kate DiCamillo, and today teacher Scott McCann and several parents surprised the students by replicating a party in one of the pivotal scenes in the story. I was honored to be asked to represent Miss Franny Block, the librarian in the story and one of the party guests. This outfit is the closest thing I own to a 'fancy green dress', and I'm carrying the Gordon-Nash's copy of Gone With The Wind, a book Miss Franny recommends that main character Opal Buloni read. Thanks to another book character and party guest, "The Preacher" (Rev. Scott Mitchell) for snapping this picture - and thanks to Mr. McCann for inviting me to the party!

As guests munched on egg salad sandwiches and drank Dump Punch, several fourth graders gathered around to study my old book. Turning to the copyright page, we found it had been published in MCMXXXVI! Huh? Out came the math books and the Roman Numeral chart! 1936 - wow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful time you, and the students, must have had at the Winn Dixie party, 'Miss Block'.