Friday, July 14, 2017

CactusHead Puppets!

Tuesday night, CactusHead Puppets of Massachusetts entertained us with the story of The Pied Piper of Hamlin. They used hand puppets, rod puppets, and shadow puppets to tell the story. Most children agreed the funniest parts involved the dancing rats!

When the show was over, Megan and John came out from behind their stage and answered many questions from the audience. They even had some questions from adults! Folks big and small wondered how these puppeteers had achieved some of the effects that made the show so captivating - the flute playing, the shadow puppets moving, the doors on the set opening and closing. Megan and John were so thorough with their answers, they even took part of the set down so kids could see what they were explaining!

Thanks to Megan and John from CactusHead Puppets for making this evening performance so special, and thanks to the Friends of the Gordon-Nash Library for funding it. Finally, thank you to all the families who came to the library to see this wonderful show!

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