Friday, December 11, 2015

Oh! Christmas Tree!

This time of year, Christmas trees are everywhere, including at the library! This week we read stories of Christmas trees, including my favorite, Mr. Willoby's Christmas Tree by Robert Barry. Mr. Willoby orders his tree, but it dismayed to find it doesn't quite fit his space. The top is cut off, discarded, then saved by someone else - and this happens over and over throughout the whole book. The Christmas Tree Tangle by Margaret Mahy told the story of a kitten up a tree and all the animals' attempts to save her. Finally, Night Tree by Eve Bunting was about a beautiful family tradition involving a special tree deep in the woods. I love this book! 

After stories, we made our own Christmas trees from yarn cones. First we covered the cone with our favorite shade of green crepe paper, gluing and winding to cover the whole cone. Then came the fun part: gluing on spangles and sparkles and ribbons of silver and gold, we decorated our Christmas tree, being sure to add a star to the top. 

Beautiful and festive!

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