All the kids at Storytime love snow! Today we read stories about winter and snow - and we made a snowman!
First we read
Winter is Here by Kevin Henkes, which showed lots of snow and how animals and children react to it. It also showed us what happens as winter ends! Then we read
First Snow by Bernette Ford, about Bunny and his brother experiencing their first snowfall. Our final story was
Ladybug Girl and the Big Snow by David Soman, about Lulu and her dog Bingo finding ways to have fun on a cold and snowy day!
Our craft was to make a snowman. We started with white felt circles of different sizes to make the "snowballs" for the snowman. Then we decorated with paper scraps, tiny pieces of colored felt, ribbon and yarn, and fluffy cotton. Kids gave their snowmen hats and scarves, and some added trees or houses. White chalk snowflakes decorated the blue background.
Just like real snowmen, each one was different!