On a beautiful spring morning, we read about the change in seasons and how it can affect living creatures. In
Bear Wants More by Karma Wilson, Bear wakes up
very hungry after his long winter's nap.
First the Egg by Laura Vaccaro Seeger showed cut-outs that were one thing on the first page and something else on the next - and the book began and ended with the egg! In
Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms by Julia Rawlinson, Fletcher the fox races around trying to warn his animal friends that it's still winter, when it really is not! And the beautifully illustrated
Nest by Jorey Hurley shows, with minimal words, the life cycle of a robin, and like another of our stories, begins and ends with an egg.
From a crumpled paper bag and some leftover Easter grass, each child made a nest, then filled it with baby birds made of paper, with colorful feather wings, pointy beaks and bright googly eyes. Peep! peep!